Summer Youth Adventure Camps 2025
Adventure Camp is age specific starting with Blaze (7-10 years old) all the way up to the Newport (11-15 years old). The camping programs are progressive and programming is designed for the abilities of the different age groups. Along with program activities, young people will also be involved in group activities which build group cohesiveness, share in devotions, enjoy campfires, swimming, themed evening programs and more.
The Blaze Camp is located at Jackson’s Point on the southern shore of Lake Simcoe, just outside of Sutton, ON.
Newport Adventure Camp is located on Skeleton Lake, In Muskoka, about 16 kilometers west of Huntsville, ON.
The Salvation Army Jackson’s Point, Blaze Adventure Camp, Ages 7 to 10
Blaze is the summer adventure just waiting for children to experience. Join in the fun at the pool party or play Marco Polo in the lake. The meals are designed with just kids in mind. And the playground is awesome! This is a week for building memories!
Each day will be filled with fun activities. You will learn new skills, try out archery, learn new sports, go on a wagon ride, jump in the bouncy castle, make crafts or climb on the high ropes course. This program is designed with just you in mind!
At camp each morning kids will be part of Bible Time. In the afternoons crazy games and adventures are all part of the week’s special program theme. At night the campfire is lit and the night echoes with singing, skits and laughter.
The Salvation Army Newport Adventure Camp, Ages 11 to 15
Race along the bike trails. Conquer the heights of the Ropes course. Venture out on the kayaks. Experience Newport Adventure Camp this summer! This camp is about new things…experiencing the wilderness of Muskoka, swimming in the blue water of Skeleton Lake or shooting hoops on the new basketball court.
There are amazing theme days, activities together as a cabin group or camp wide events that are bursting with excitement. Come and experience what camp is all about this summer.
At camp you will have fun at Bible, sports, skits, skill training, theme days and so much more. Camp is a place where you make lifelong friends.
Camper Sponsorship and Financial Assistance
To find out more about this program, please visit Ontario Camping Ministries Adventure Camps.
The Salvation Army Lakeshore Community Church wants to ensure that children from our community are able to enjoy the summer camp experience. This is especially true for families that may not be able to send children due to financial or logistical challenges. Subsidies are available for those who qualify.
To get more information and to register your child for Adventure Camp, please speak to Tina Manuel, our Community Ministries Coordinator, at 416-251-8372 ext. 104, or email her at